
Secure Access for Active Directory Identities, Anywhere

What is Userlock?

With MFA, SSO and session management, UserLock can protect all employee access to corporate networks and cloud applications, whether on-site or remote.

One On-Premise Active Directory Identity

For secure On-Site, Cloud and Remote Access

Two-Factor Authentication

UserLock makes it easy to enable multi-factor authentication on Windows logon, RDP and VPN connections.  Verify the identity and secure access to your Active Directory network.

Contextual Access Management

With UserLock, IT can set and enforce a controlled user access policy that will automatically permit or deny user logins.  Based on multiple criteria that support an organisation’s policies UserLock can control user access to protect a Windows Active Directory network and all of the data contained within.

Restrict by Machine & Device

Control, restrict and enforce where users may logon.  Restrict users to workstation or device, IP range, department and country.  Go beyond native Windows controls and centrally restrict for an entire group.

Restrict by Hours

Control the hours and days when protected users can logon onto the network.  Define working hours and/or maximum session time.  Go beyond native Windows controls and restrict user logon hours by group and force logoff when time restrictions expire.

Restrict by Session Type

Access restrictions take into consideration different session types (including Wi-Fi, VPN and IIS sessions) to meet the demands of a remote and mobile workforce.  Help control a wireless network, secure BYOD environments and control access to email off-premises.

Limit Concurrent Logins & Initial Access Point

The ability to prevent or limit concurrent or multiple logins, averts one of the most potentially dangerous situations for a Windows Active Directory network.  UserLock controls concurrent sessions and sets limitations in a granular way according to user, user groups, organisational units and session types.

Monitoring, Alerts & Response

Track and react to all Active Directory user logon and logoff activity.  Get real-time alerts to login behavior.  Interact and respond remotely, direct from the UserLock console.

Audit & Report on Logon Events

Report and Audit on all Windows and Active Directory access events.  UserLock centralizes and archives all access events occurring on your Windows systems offering detailed insights to support IT Forensics.

Privileged User Auditing

Settings, logs and policy rules can be secured for all UserLock’s privileged users.  Protect against bad or careless behavior by those who have administration rights and answer the needs for major regulatory compliance
