Hunt, Prevent, Detect and Respond to any Network and IoT threat. Heimdal™ Threat Prevention - Network allows you to confidently own your BYOD governance and secure all your users' devices.
Not just on your endpoints, but on any other devices.
Complete Device Coverage
Regain your peace of mind with a complete solution that spans across your business ecosystem. Protect and maintain BYODs, IoTs, and every other equipment linked to your company’s network.
Top-level Network Logging
Stay on top of your network traffic activity with Threat Prevention-Network’s logging tool. See what everyone is up to and prevent attacks before they land on your endpoints.
Threat-Hunting Made Easy
Threat Prevention – Network can be set up in seconds, with no additional software installation required. Say goodbye to hard-to-deploy threat-hunting solutions, with limited results and zero upscaling factor.